
Age Structure and Growth in the Lataste’s toad, Bufotes latastii (Anura, Bufonidae)
Lyapkov S.M., Kidov A.A., Stepankova I.V., Afrin K.A., Litvinchuk S.N. // Russian Journal of Herpetology. 2020. V. 6 (3). P. 165–171. DOI: 10.30906/1026-2296-2020-27-3-165-17
Keeping, breeding and maintenance of zooculture of the Ladakh toad, Bufotes latastii (Boulenger, 1882)
Matushkina K.A., Kidov A.A., Litvinchuk S.N. // Russian Journal of Herpetology. 2020. V. 27 (5). P. 284–290. DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1026-2296-2020-27-5-284-290
К изучению репродуктивной биологии скальной ящерицы (Darevskia saxicola, Reptilia, Lacertidae)
Кидов А.А. // Зоологический журнал. 2020. Т. 99, №11. С. 1293–1297. DOI: 10.31857/S004451342008005X
Морфометрические и репродуктивные особенности полосатого гологлаза (Ablepharus bivittatus (Menetries 1832), Reptilia, Scincidae) в Талышских горах
Кидов А.А., Кондратова Т.Э. // Зоологический журнал. 2021. Т. 100, №3. С. 299–306. DOI: 10.31857/S0044513421030053
Случаи лейкизма и меланизма у кавказского тритона (Lissotriton lantzi, Amphibia, Caudata, Salamandridae)
Кидова Е.А., Вяткин Я.А., Кидов А.А. // Зоологический журнал. 2021. Т. 100, №6. С. 686–689. DOI: 10.31857/S0044513421040061
Rediscovery of the Persian dwarf snake (Eirenis persicus, Ophidia, Colubridae), in Qazvin Province, Iran
Kidov A. A. // Зоологический журнал. 2021. Т. 100, №6. С. 690–692. DOI: 10.31857/S0044513421060052
Distribution and conservation status of the Hyrcanian wood frog (Rana pseudodalmatina) in Azerbaijan
Kidov A.A., Litvinchuk S.N. // Russian Journal of Herpetology. 2021. V. 28 (2). P. 97–107. DOI: 10.30906/1026-2296-2021-28-2-97-107
Age Structure and Growth in the Zamda toad, Bufotes zamdaensis (Anura, Bufonidae)
Lyapkov S.M., Kidov A.A., Stepankova I.V., Afrin K.A., Litvinchuk S.N. // Russian Journal of Herpetology. 2021. V. 28 (3). P. 138–144. DOI: 10.30906/1026-2296-2021-28-3-138-144
Growth layers and its complex structure in a common species under uncommon conditions: Pelophylax ridibundus in the Talysh Mountains
Lyapkov S.M., Kondratova T.E., Ivolga R.A., Kidova E.A., Kidov A.A. // Russian Journal of Herpetology. 2021. V. 28 (5). P. 242–248. DOI: 10.30906/1026-2296-2021-28-5-242-248
Reproductive biology of the rock lizard (Darevskia saxicola, Reptilia, Lacertidae)
Kidov A.A. // Biology Bulletin. 2021. V. 48 (8). P. 1314–1318. DOI: 10.1134/S106235902108015X
Morphometric and reproductive features of the two-streaked snake-eyed skink (Ablepharus bivittatus (Menetries 1832), Reptilia, Scincidae) in the Talysh Mountains
Kidov A.A., Kondratova T.E. // Biology Bulletin. 2021. V. 48 (9). P. 1487–1493. DOI: 10.1134/S1062359021090053
Cases of leucism and melanism in the Caucasian smooth newt (Lissortriton lantzi, Amphibia, Caudata, Salamandridae)
Kidova E.A., Vyatkin Ya.A., Kidov A.A. // Biology Bulletin. 2021. V. 48 (9). P. 1729–1731. DOI: 10.1134/S1062359021090065